¡á Products > Face shields |
Face shields |
¡á Usage |
- Workplaces where flying materials with large impact energy are produced [milling, drilling, mining, electric mowing, electric wood craft working, etc]
- Workplaces where flying materials are frequently produced [grinding, machining, wood crafting and timber manufacturing, etc.]
- Workplaces where heats and flying materials of molten metal are generated
[smelting furnace, steel manufacturing, non-ferrous metals and glass fabrication, furnace working, and other heat generatingwork places.]
- Work places where liquid powders and air-borne dust are generated
[chemicals, cements, agricultural pesticides spray, painting, washing, etc.J
¡á Features |
- The world unique product with a single safety surface that functions as a 3-dimensional curved safety surface and a safety glass at the same time.
- KS standard polycarbonate lens with excellent thermal resistance, cold resistance and impact resistance.
- The 3-dimensional curved safety surface has no bending or straightening phenomena due to external environments such as heat unlike other products can be vulnerable to them.
- Applicable with other protective equipment.
¡á KS-81SA |
- Bare-headed polycarbonate IPC) type
- Bare-headed type
- 3-dimensional curved lens
- Ergonomically curved design
- Transparent lens
- Weight : 315¡¾3g
¡á KS-81GA |
- Bare-headed polycarbonate IPC) type
- Bare-headed type
- 3-dimensional [3D]curved lens
- Ergonomically curved design
- Oark colored lens
(light protection: No. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)
- Weight : 315¡¾3g
¡á KS-82GB |
- Bare-headed polycarbonate IPC) type
- Bare-headed type
- 3-dimensional [3D]curved lens
- Weight : 352¡¾3g
- Ergonomically curved design
- Oark inner lens (light protection: No. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)
- Transparent outer lens
- Inner UV protection lens
- Controllable positions upward and downward
- Reduces eye fatigues at high eye-fatigue environments.
¡á KS-83GC |
- Bare-headed polycarbonate IPC) type
- Bare-headed type
- 3-dimensional [3D]curved lens
- Weight : 352¡¾3g
- Ergonomically curved design
- Oark inner lens (light protection : No. 3 and 4)
- Oark outer lens (light protection: No. 3)
- Oark outer lens (light protection: No. 3)
- Light protection lenses are available depending on working environments
- Controllable positions upward and downward
- Reduces eye fatigues at high eye-fatigue environments.